God’s Love and guidance is ever-available

When traveling in unfamiliar countries, it is always comforting to know that we are never outside of God’s care, protection and guidance.  That wherever we are, the Christ, Truth is present.

While on a game drive in an African country, our jeep was returning to the camp after dark.  I needed to wipe my nose and didn’t realize until we had light at our camp, that my nose was bleeding profusely.  There were strict rules and time schedules at the camp.  We were not allowed to go to our cabins unaccompanied by a staff member, because of the animals we might encounter.  It was dinner time.  As I turned to God in prayer, I felt His presence, care and guidance.  I spoke with the camp manager, assuring him I was all right, but needed to go to my cabin at once.  There were not other Christian Scientists in the group, and I didn’t want the others to be concerned.  The manager let me go alone to my tent.  On the way I was rejoicing in that and realizing God’s complete control over every bodily function.  It took some time for the bleeding to stop.  I prayed to not be concerned about being late for dinner or arousing fears of others of my situation.  I was grateful to feel calm, assured of Love’s provision for every need.  I was able to return to dinner on my own, a bit late and with no comments from anyone.

I am so grateful to Mary Baker Eddy for discerning and sharing the underlying laws of harmony and good on which Christ Jesus based his healings.  In her book, Science and Health, she tells us how we can utilize these laws to heal and resolve any problem. My gratitude to God for His love, care and guidance is boundless.