One day recently I was suddenly overcome with extreme stomach pains. I couldn’t quiet thought enough to feel God’s presence. I called a Christian Science practitioner and left a request for prayerful support on the answering machine. I lay down and tried to reach out to feel God’s love. I prayed with the “Scientific Statement of Being” from Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy.
The first sentence states “There is no life, truth, intelligence nor substance in matter.” I reasoned that matter can’t make any conditions for a spiritual idea of God, my true identity. Fear and anxiety arose as I remembered I had a special event to attend that evening. Would I be able to go? Would the pain be gone? Might it reoccur at the event? I realized that the fear needed to be overcome and dismissed. It still seemed hard to “Be still and know that I am God”, as the Bible admonishes us.
The next thing I knew it was 6:00 PM. I had been asleep for around two hours. I was completely free of the pain. I gratefully thanked and praised God. I attended the evening event and was pain free. When we are able to prove that as Mrs. Eddy tells us, Life in and of Spirit is the sole reality of existence, it is a joy to gain a step forward on our spiritual journey. I am deeply grateful for Christin Science practitioners who stand ready and willing to prayerfully support us. And for Christian Science.