These one-hour meetings begin at 10:55 am PST. Click here to listen now!
Welcome to First Church of Christ, Scientist, Orinda! We are delighted to be meeting in person, and will continue to make our services on Sunday and Wednesday available by Zoom as well. Please scroll down to find the Zoom link.
Our church courtyard has been turned into a community Prayer Garden. You are invited to come and sit quietly in support of our community and world as it wrestles with difficult issues. Steps lead to this serene spot; wheeled access circles around the back of the church.
Zoom meeting information
Topic: Sunday Service and Wednesday Evening Testimony Meeting
Time: Sunday Services begin at 10 AM; Wednesday Evening Meetings begin at 7:30 PM.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 876 7087 8370
Passcode: 844556
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Meeting ID: 876 7087 8370
Passcode: 844556
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See you there! Love to all!