Welcome to First Church of Christ, Scientist, Orinda!

Christian Science church in Orinda

Welcome to First Church of Christ, Scientist, Orinda!

Here you will find a loving community of individuals exploring scientific Christian healing together. We would love for you to join us!

We meet in person and via Zoom on Sundays at 10:00 am and on Wednesday evenings for a testimony and gratitude sharing meeting at 7:30 pm. Our Sunday School meets at 10:00 am and welcomes students up to the age of 20. Childcare is available.

Take a moment to pray, reflect, meditate in our Prayer Garden, open during daylight hours.

You are welcome here!




Zoom meeting information

Topic: Sunday Service and Wednesday Evening Testimony Meeting
Time: Sunday Services begin at 10 AM; Wednesday Evening Meetings begin at 7:30 PM.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 876 7087 8370
Passcode: 844556
One tap mobile:

+1 669 900 9128
Meeting ID: 876 7087 8370
Passcode: 844556
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keiDWy3GJk

See you there! Love to all!